The Truman show was a great movie. Just to put that out there. First time I have seen it was in class. Truman finds out that his is in a television show ever since his was in the womb of his mother. So he escapes to sea and when he gets to the edge, Christof speaks to him and asks him if he wanted to stay in Seahaven or go to a world he knows little or nothing about. He chooses the outside world and I think I would have to agree. I believe that living in the world of Seahaven would be very boring repetitive life. Were in the outside world you can basically do whatever you please. I also believe that people can develop fear in Seahaven because Truman did. He feared the ocean because of his alleged fathers death traumatized him. So it does not make a difference you would have something to fear about in either world might as well be the real one. Even thought I know little about the outside world, I would still not let the opportunity pass because I am highly adventurous and I would try and explore what is out there.
Truman starts to piece together the falsity of the world around him. His interpretation of Seahaven is changed. He starts to question and analyze all that he encounters. There are certain parallels in my life that changed the way I processed the world in the same way. In early childhood, kids are being told minor fibs for long period of time by their parents about certain things, such as Santa Clause. I don’t know about anyone else but the way processed the world change after finding out he wasn’t real. I was told that the tooth fairy comes to my house and exchanges my tooth for money, same goes for other children, I hope. I was in a world were it exists. But after I woken up one time with my father exchanging the tooth with money, the way I processed the world was different.