Do I think my life is determined by a special individual fate, or am I free to choose as a I wish? I believe that I am free to choose as I wish. Theodore Schick Jr analyses the possibility that freewill exist in The Matrix in the book The Matrix and Philosophy. Their is also the existence of freewill in my life.
I believe in freewill because I believe you have the ability to choose whatever you want to do. Back in high school, I was doing poorly in one of my classes. A passing grade on the final was a must for me in order to pass the class. In this situation I was given the choice to either study and pass or not study and fail. I ended up studying and passing for the year to advance in my high school career. Schick explains, "Even in a world where casual determination is true, knowing a prediction can lead us to its falsification." This is where he talks about the book the recorded the major events of your life up to and including past, present and future. I was determined to pass the class so I predicted if i didn't study I would fail. To lead this to its falsification I had to study. In the film The Matrix, Neo has to make a choice of freewill. He either had to save Morpheus or save himself. He Knew if he had not gone back to the Matrix, Morpheus would have died.
I was walking on a path through the woods to get to this house when I saw a swarming bee hive. Now I know that is i continue to walk the path I would get multiple stings. So I had the freewill to make a rational choice to reverse and find another route. Schick says that according to the German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, "the only thing that's intrinsically valuable - good in and of itself -is ability to make rational choices."He believes that to lead a good life is not the experience you've had is what choices you have made. In the film, Neo had the freewill to make the rational choice to leap off the helicopter to catch Morpheus. He knew if he had not done so, Morpheus would have died.
Therefore, I do think everyone has the freewill to do whatever they have the desire to do. It is just how you approach your choice and the amount of will power to end in the desired outcome.
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