Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blog 9 - Final Project Ideas

I might do a video and commentary on the philosophy behind the film Donnie Darko, if any. This would lead me towards blogging the process. The video would probably have clips from the movie and how it involves the philosophy behind time travel and such. I like idea a lot but I might consider another idea like the history and culture of kendama. A Japanese ball-and-cup toy that everyone appeals to once they get a hand on one. I mostly see it play amongst aggressive skaters. Same process here were I would make video with commentary and blog the process. I believe this process would be better because instead of doing a work for each Dr. Smith and Dr. Lucca, it appeals to both. I don't know yet on a solid topic and how I would carry it out into the Final...

1 comment:

  1. Well whatever topic you do choose both are really good ones. I've seen Donnie Darko and wouldn't mind reading a blog that shows how time travel played a part in the movie. Even the idea about Kendama is interesting, don't know what it is exactly but I'm going to go google it now,
